Signature Membership – About/Apply

Applications for Signature Membership (SSA) are accepted once per year, with the deadline in July.

When applications are being accepted, approximately 2 months before the deadline, there will be a link to the application page available in the Join section. Notification will be posted on the ISSA Facebook page, and sent via email (to current ISSA members).


Signature Membership (SSA) is open to current Active members showing advanced scratchboard skills. Signature members may have the eventual goal of becoming a Master member. Signature members may submit entries to all ISSA shows and may use the initials SSA after their name. They will also have increased promotion on the ISSA web site, including artwork in the ISSA online gallery.


Click here to see a blank scorecard.


To apply for Signature membership, individuals must submit: a $35 jury fee, the Signature Membership Application Form (a link will appear above on this page), and a portfolio of seven (7) images that represent your best scratchboard work. The jury process is completed by designated Master members. If approved for Signature membership, members have 30 days to pay their dues. If you have applied for this level previously and wish to do so again, you are asked to supply seven (7) images; four (4) of which can be ones you previously submitted. If you are currently an Active member, no more than two (2) of the same images used to apply for that level may be submitted.