New Web Site!

It’s been years in the making (we first discussed this at our Frederick, Maryland Exhibition in 2015), and our new web site is  finally here! With many, many hours, lots of formatting & re-working, and plenty of head-spinning coding, this labor of love is official! A number of wonderful cooks have been a part of our past and present web sites, and we thank them:

Sandra Willard (former member) created and managed the first web site.

Sue Rhodes took over as web master and has done an excellent job of managing the site for a number of years. Sue is also our Membership Director.

Russ McMullin and Stephanie Swindell (both former members) and Ann Ranlett concocted the plan for the new site and started things off. Stephanie put in a great deal of time to set things up and then Ann took over. Ann has just finished the final push to launch the new site and will be our web master, along with assistance from Sue Rhodes.

Stay tuned for our new logo too . . .

As with any such extensive re-design projects, some things may have been lost in translation, or links may not work. If you see anything amiss, please let our web master know!